Tuesday, March 6, 2007

UAE Media and Global Warming

Dubai hotels rank low in energy efficiency - study


Global warming: We will have to get used to it ___ BY FAREED ZAKARIA


In his article he said that global warming is real and we cannot stop it, so we must get used to liveing with it. Also he gave some evidence and figures about it to support his opinion. Actually, I agree with him by 50%. If we cannot stop global warming, at least we can reduce its effect. However, I agree with him in getting used to it. Why do not we try to invent a new technique that helps us feel better with this terible steamy weather as well as trying to stop global warming?

Combat global warming unitedly_______Gulf News


In this article the author warns about how dangerous global warming is and that we must do something before time runs out. I agree with this topic and I think that this is a kind of very scary phenomenon.

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